In today's session, we got the performers to start performing and we also filmed Jason's bit.
- First of all, we filmed the 'crazy girl's' section. We had her run through the door into the audition room screaming and then run through the exit door. We were meant to have either Ola or Olu to play the part of the security guard but they were too shy to do it lol. It doesn't matter though.
- We had Jason (real name Tamouy) do his bit. A middle-shot of his feet where he's walking was filmed and then a close-up shot of his hand opening the door. Then a point of view shot of him walking through the audition room door. Finally we filmed him singing along with the music and these were long shots. The bit where the judge walks upto him will have to be filmed tomorrow and so we'll continue it then.
- The final filming of the day was when the singer (Jevetta) did her bit. I got her to act crazy and confident about her singing and it actually looked really good because of her exaggeration. And we also got the other dancer (Zainab) to do her bit aswell which was just moving her head.
We will continue filming next lesson! Again..
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