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Friday, 18 December 2009

Filming day 3 (hopefully final filming day)

Today we completed all the filming!!

All the performers performed their sections today.
  1. Mohammed did his so-called 'juggling'.
  2. Jevetta decided to film her bit again because she didn't feel confident with what she did yesterday.
We also completed the judges sections aswell. We have close-up shots of the judges feets walking in. When the final judge (Akieba) walked own the stairs in her heels and then walked upto the chair, i zoomed out into the 3 judges. Then we filmed the close-up shots of the judges expressions and then a middle shot of the main judge in the middle calling out 'next'.
We completed Jason's section where he would come to perform and then Akieba would walk upto him shaking his hand and then he would walk out the door.

Next lesson we're just going to be editing!

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Filming day 2

In today's session, we got the performers to start performing and we also filmed Jason's bit.

  1. First of all, we filmed the 'crazy girl's' section. We had her run through the door into the audition room screaming and then run through the exit door. We were meant to have either Ola or Olu to play the part of the security guard but they were too shy to do it lol. It doesn't matter though.
  2. We had Jason (real name Tamouy) do his bit. A middle-shot of his feet where he's walking was filmed and then a close-up shot of his hand opening the door. Then a point of view shot of him walking through the audition room door. Finally we filmed him singing along with the music and these were long shots. The bit where the judge walks upto him will have to be filmed tomorrow and so we'll continue it then.
  3. The final filming of the day was when the singer (Jevetta) did her bit. I got her to act crazy and confident about her singing and it actually looked really good because of her exaggeration. And we also got the other dancer (Zainab) to do her bit aswell which was just moving her head.
We will continue filming next lesson! Again..

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Filming day 1

We've been given the cameras today and so we set off to film. We couldn't find our 'Jason Who?' so we filmed all the point of view shots first. We stuck the 'Star's in their eyes' posters on the wall and filmed a point of view shot of 'Jason' looking at it outside and then walking in through the door upto the security guard who let him in. We then got various other people to just react to the posters. We asked the librarian if we can film her putting up the poster. The next shot was of Mohammed walking upto the poster and looking at it.

There have been some changes to the music video and these are:
  1. First of all, we couldn't get the theatre to film due to the drama students rehearsing for their exams so instead we thought we might use the sports hall but that seemed a bit odd. So we walked around the college looking for rooms but then we found this certain place near the sports hall; it was empty and plain and it had two doors which we needed so it was the perfect place to film.
  2. Instead of having 3 singers, a dance group and a footballer, we now have 1 singer (excluding Jason), a juggler and a 'so-called' dancer just moving her head. We still have the crazy girl but we couldn't get the security guard because he didn't want to be part of it.
We're going to continue filming next lesson!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Taking pictures for CD cover

We took some pictures for our album cover and then we're going to edit them soon. Here are the best ones:

As you can see, most of the pictures are of the street and this is because for our album cover we're planning on having split screens of both the street and the stage to show how our artist has gone from being a kid from the estate to being part of the performing industry. The picture on top, we are planning on using that one for the magazine advertisement.
As for the stage, we decided we would take a picture from google.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Storyboards and CD Cover designs..

Aswell as doing a treament, we also have to produce storyboards and draw up intial ideas for the CD covers. Both me and Akieba worked on the storyboarsd; Everyone in the group has to draw up two different ideas for the covers. Below are images of the storyboards and the designs.


Once you have the treatment ready, it's very easy to draw up images for the storyboard. Below are the scans of the sheet; we didn't draw eveything, infact just a summary: beginning, middle and end.

Initial designs for album cover:

Below is a scanned image of the 2 designs i created for the album cover.

As a group we've decided to go for the idea of having a split screen image; basically, there will be a line going through the middle of the canvas and on the left side of the cover would be an image of the street to and on the right hand side will be an image of a stage with a mic in the middle. The whole idea of this is to show how the character has gone from being a youth from the estate to someone living their dreams.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

First day of starting the production!

Don't let the title musjudge you but what actually happened today was:

  • We found our locations.
  • Found some of our actors.

We wanted the theatre for the talent show but the theatre is booked and so it's difficult for us to use it, therefore, we decided to use the sports hall and fortunetly we can; it's not always in use so it would work in our favour.


Singer: Still searching.

Bad singer: my friend Jevetta.

Dancers: Still searching.

Footballer: Kaamil

Juggler: Mohammed

Psycho girl: Akieba's freind

Security guard: Ola

Judges: Akieba & still searching lol

Jason Who: still searching.

The last thing i did before lesson ended was create a poster for the music video.

Here it is: